Monday 17 March 2008

Menopause Survival Kit

On the website at you will find a Menopause Survival Kit. I've put together instant fixes and a list of symptoms that will come to haunt you if you don't do something about what's going on in your body.

Things like: stress incontinence and vaginal dryness.

Don't want to know, I hear you cry ... "I'm not old enough!" Look, now is the time to get a life. These two symptoms are easy to fix. You don't have to suffer. Keep your sexual relationships happy and healthy with locally applied low-dose estrogen from your doctor's surgery.

If it's too embarrassing to talk about, write him/her a note, but talk about it you must. It will save your sanity.
If you're still having the odd period, you could become pregnant. So many do fall into the trap at 'the change'!
You must have an opinion on this. Come on, be the first to let me know

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